Sunday, June 5, 2011


        When people hear about happiness, immediately they pop in their mind “ party, money, drink, etc” or some entertainment things. However, they do not know the exactly or feeling of happiness, ever though they are having fun and enjoying what they are doing in their time. Eventually, it is only a period of time. Through the whole universe, nation to nation, city to city, village to village, people ask themselves how come that I do not feel happy with all of what I did. According to ( ) the research shows that 50% of American people feeling very happy and the reason of that is being around their family. Moreover, from my experience I notice that being around my family make me feel the happiest guy ever for several reason such as secure, sociable, and union between families. 
First of all, setting around my family and between them, it is mean the world for me, specially when staying beside mom shoulders. Moreover, for a person such as me expatriate, I do not think I will be more safe or secure only around them, my family. Even though, if I could not be with them physically, I’ll try to be there for them spiritually or emotionally at least. Overall, I’ll be happy just for doing that. 
Next, being sociable around the people because of that, around your family. In Saudi Arabia, we have a famous quote or phrase that saying “ If you were not good enough for your family, you will not be a good well yourself” and through my life I realize that is true. It influence your behavior and attitude. In another word, treat your family as good as you can. In the end, it will reflect in your life and you will notice that sooner rather than. Trust someone had the experience before. For example, me, Naif.
Finally, lack of people whom are connected or they communicate with their family, whether they are father or mother and sibling or their relatives. However, some of the families keep the simple traditional thing between them from generation for staying stack with each other. In order to keep the union between them and stay together. For some people prefer to get married from their family, so as to keep the same family blood with each other and keep their family name around the world for years and years. Nowadays, these traditional though on belied has been reduced years after years become people stopped to worries meet with their family and relations.

In conclusion, if you are trying to find the happiness, you should stay and try to communicate and keep with some of the traditional believers for family unions. In order to get the secure, sociable, unions between families.  

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The benefits of exercising

  • All kinds of exercising are useful and return with benefits on your body. Athletes or body builders  when they show their bodies on television or in live contest which create different emotions inside the viewer. Some of those emotions generate the desire in many people who work hard and challenging their self to get the same results , but they failed in this challenge ,might wonder how those people can reach that level of body perfection , and how they can keep that amazing outlook Professiona athletes say that exercises by them self are not enough to have these muscles .In fact ,they say to obtain those muscles and the great outlook the trainee needs to be ready to experience a lot of changes in life style . Those changes might be physical or psychological or could be both , so trainee should be aware of those changes before gets started in a specific program . The results could be encouragement or frustrated , it's depends on the trainee . After all , in order to get huge muscles and great outlook ,as trained , should be focusing on three major points  : consuming healthy food , exercising regularly and committing to healthy sleep habits .  
                   First of all , consuming healthy food helps the trainee to get the greatest and fastest benefits . Food could be divided in two major kinds : dietary supplements and  natural food. First , the natural food that is the best kind of food to the trainee to get the best benefits without taking  chance with dietary supplements which  some of them consider on harmful elements or could be misused . Vegetables ,fresh meat , fish , dairy and legumes are the best kinds of nature food which trainee can has , if he could afford the money to buy it , if not , which is most likely , he could replace it with dietary supplements . Second , dietary supplements , are used by most athletes to complete the essential elements that they miss . For example , industrial protein is used to replace the natural protein which is exists  in fresh meat . Also , quantity of food or dietary supplements are important in order to be in good shape .In addition , the trainee should be aware about how much calories are required  per day , so it  
doesn't affect on his weight or his power during exercising time  . For example , body builder practitioner need more than the normal trained in another sport . For more clearance , assume a body builder player who weight 250 L.B. and   taekwondo player who weights 150 L.B. , in normal situations the body builder will burn calories twice as much the taekwondo player  . Also  , making a schedule that shows the right time for each meal or protein pills . For instance , pills should be taken before and after exercising  in half an hour range  , eat the three traditional meals -breakfast , lunch and dinner- in their time and Snacks between meals should be avoided . Making schedule for time of exercising also is required  . 
                     Second point should be focused on , setting  appropriate and flexible schedule for the exercises  .  This schedule should contain three aspects . First step  , the trainee should write down days of exercising . If the trainee were beginner the recommended schedule will be exercising at least five days per week because the trainee progress consider in construction phase , and needs at least six months to move to the next stage .On the other hand , if the trainee were advanced could practice three days per week because he already  has the wanted structure , but he exercising to keep it in that shape .The second step , is committing with the basic exercising hours .In fact , this is very important if the trainee wants to see tangible results on his body .Most trainees are rushing results by working over limit and some others are lazy  . For those who work out too much , this may produce an opposite effects by reducing the muscles size. Thus, make them feel disappointed . On the other side , the lazy trainees who work less than average will not see any noticeable change in their bodies in the nearest future , and properly they will not continue exercising  more than few weeks or months . Also , there should be break time between exercises . This is an important thing to give trainee's muscles a what they need of rest to breath and rebuild . This free or break time can be used to drink water which is very important for human body to avoid the dehydration . Third step , there are two kinds of exercises fitness or Swedish prolongation  and  body building by using heavy weight which are very different in goals , so the trainee can't combine those two kinds together. Thus, those different kinks of exercising should be separated from each other . For example , fitness  practitioners try to achieve thin body and reduce the fat from unwanted places like hips and stomach  . Unlike , body builder practitioners are trying to have a huge muscles without worrying about the fat in their bodies .  
                          Besides consuming  healthy food and setting an exercising schedule , having stabile sleep habits will help the trainee a lot in order to have  huge muscles .  First , sleep has great benefits which most players do not know . For instances , sleep could save the trainee's energy , at the same time supply it with power , and rebuild the dead cells and muscles . Moreover , committing to  good sleep habits  is important . For example , exploits the night time in sleeping . The recent studied proved that sleep at night time is much better for human beings than sleeping in day time . In another word , one hour of sleep  at night time is equal two hours of sleep at day time , this is has direct influential on the trainee . Another example of good sleep manners , sleeping enough to get the full benefits of sleep . The professional trainers say the normal person need at least eight hours of continues sleeping ,and the trainee person need at least ten hours of sleeping  , so the muscles can be rebuild Also , sleeping in average room temperature is one of the good habits . Sleeping in cold room could affect on your straightness , especially in the morning . Unlike sleeping in average or little bit above the average make you more active in training . .However , those sleep habits could be different from one person to other , so there is no perfect pattern for them .  
                         In conclusion , the ability of committing with the previous points is different from person to another , it depends on the trainee and his desire to accomplish his goals by having a huge muscles .It is like as if you have a flower , if you don't irrigate it with water it will die , and it is the same with muscles if neglected it will become smaller and weaker .